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Surgery Preparation

Preparing For Your Surgery

Within One to Two Days Prior to Your Surgery:


You will be contacted by a member of the nursing staff to obtain a brief medical history, give you specific instructions and confirm your appointment and arrival time. If you will be unavailable for this call or do not wish our nurse to call you, then you must arrange to speak with our nurse at (732) 525-2227 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM at least one day prior to your surgery.


If any change occurs in your physical condition or if you develop a cough, sore throat or fever, please contact your surgeon immediately.


If you are currently taking vitamins, supplements, or herbal therapies, please contact your surgeon for further instructions. He/she may want you to stop taking them prior to or after surgery.


If you are currently taking anticoagulants, aspirin or products containing aspirin, please contact your surgeon for further instructions. He/she may want you to stop taking these medications prior to surgery and/or after surgery.


Preoperative blood testing or medical clearance examinations will be arranged by your surgeon.




The Night Before Surgery

Please carefully follow any instructions your physician may give you. In addition, you should be able to follow these instructions to ensure your comfort and reduce the possibility of complications.


Do not drink or eat anything after midnight (this includes gum and mints). You may brush your teeth remembering not to swallow anything. Failure to follow these instructions may result in cancellation of your surgery. Patients scheduled for surgery later in the day, diabetics, or patients with special dietary restrictions may be given special instructions to prepare them for their procedures.


Do not take any medications after midnight unless instructed by your physician or a member of our staff. If you are diabetic, hypertensive, or a cardiac patient, please obtain specific instructions from your physician or contact the Center. Please bring a complete list of all medications you are taking.


Do not smoke or drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before your surgery. Bathe or shower either the morning of or the night before your surgery.


If you suspect you are pregnant, it is important that you notify your physician or the Center.


Remove all make-up, including eye make-up and lipstick. Do not wear jewelry, hairpins or hairclips.


If you wear contact lenses or glasses, please bring a case for their safekeeping. We will provide containers for dentures and bridgework. You may be permitted to keep hearing aids with you.


Please arrange in advance for a responsible adult friend or family member to drive you home. Failure to have someone to drive you home may result in cancellation or postponement of your surgery. We also recommend that someone remain with you for the first 24 hours following surgery. It is best if family or a responsible adult remain in the waiting area and not leave the center.


If the patient is under 18, a parent or legal guardian must accompany the patient to the Center to sign the consent for surgery.





Day of Surgery

To help us meet your needs, please follow these instructions.


Please report to the Surgery Center at least one hour before your scheduled procedure.


Leave all valuables, including jewelry, watches, rings and cash at home. We cannot be responsible for damaged or loss of property.


Please bring all insurance cards and forms and your driver’s license with you to the Center.


Bring a list of your regular medications, prescriptions and non-prescription, on the day of the surgery. Please bring any inhalers for use on an as needed basis. If you are a diabetic patient, please bring your own insulin and oral diabetic agents.


Wear loose and comfortable clothing, such as a sweat suit and easy to button shirt or blouse.

Wear comfortable shoes (no high heels, please).


A nurse will provide you with a patient gown, robe, slippers and garment bag to store your clothing in before you are escorted to the operative area. We will also check your temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and ask you to empty your bladder before surgery. The nurse will review your medical history and ask you to sign a form consenting to surgery and anesthesia, if appropriate.


Your anesthesiologist will talk to you before surgery to review the information you have provided to the admitting nurse. The anesthesiologist will explain the type of anesthesia you will be receiving, how it will be administered and the risk involved. Be sure to let your anesthesiologist know of any problems you or any family members may have had regarding previous anesthesia experiences.





After Surgery

You will be taken to the first stage recovery area where you will be monitored for approximately 30 minutes or longer, depending on the type and length of your surgery and anesthesia. As the anesthesia wears off, you will be transferred to a second stage recovery area where you will be rejoined be a family member or escort, if desired until discharged.


When you have met the criteria for discharge, you will be permitted to leave the Center. For your safety, you will not be permitted to leave the Center alone following the administration of anesthetic drugs. You must make arrangements for someone to drive you home.


Before you leave the Center, you will be given specific written discharge instructions for your care at home. A nurse will explain and demonstrate any special instructions to aid in your home recovery and will instruct you on when to call your physician for a follow-up visit. If you have any additional concerns or questions, please call your physician’s office.


After you have returned home, please be sure to follow your physician’s orders regarding diet, rest, medication and activity. Unless directed otherwise, you should start your diet with bland foods. By the next day you should be back to your normal diet. You may feel a little sleepy, light headed or dizzy for a few hours after your operation.


Do not sign any important papers or make any significant decisions for 24 hours.


Do not drive a car, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, operate machinery or cook for 24 hours after surgery.


A nurse from the Center will phone you the day after your surgery to see how you are feeling and to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Should you miss this call, please call the Center at (732) 525-2227 and indicate you are calling with a postoperative report.


If for any reason you are experiencing any problems following surgery, please call your physician.

Preparing for Surgery
Night Before Surgery
After Surgery
Day of Surgery
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